Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Looking Back, Looking Forward: Beginning 2014

2013 has been a great year. I'm pretty sure just about everyone can say that. Marc Jacobs and Michelle Phan launched their first beauty brands respectively, Prince George Alexander Louis was born (quite a mouthful, considering his small size), Louis Vuitton lost one of its brightest stars, Marc Jacobs again (he is a pretty big star in terms of this years happenings) and One Direction released their movie - This is Us. Not to mention, the world premiere of Catching Fire hit. Literally hit. As in everybody was talking, watching, and raving about it.
At about 12:30 to 1:30 this afternoon I got to speak to the family and friends on the other end of the globe. With my mother, I wished everyone from Moscow to Odessa a Happy New Year. Of course, they were all awaiting 2014. It was strangely curious to think that by the time three o'clock rolled around, it was already 2014 for those people I spoke to, yet only 2013 for us. Time is a gloriously strange thing.
That said, in terms of those resolutions; honestly, I haven't given it any thought. I guess now I'll just let my thoughts spill on the screen. Hope it will be clear. First, I would of course like to get superb grades in school. To get better grades might seem like a pretty uniform resolution, everyone wanted it in the beginning of the year, and everyone still wants it. A+s swim around in their heads, and I guess they will until the school year ends, only to return again and again until university graduation.
Next, I guess that my next wish would be to make new friends. Here's the thing, I am not a social person, I have a few friends outside of school, but so far no friends in the school that I keep in contact with out of school. I wish I could, but I find that I am a shy person who only displays a fun, crazy streak in the company of certain people. Maybe "guy" friends (sounds weird maybe, but boys can be a mite less judgemental and spiteful than many girls) drama class can also be a great enviroment for opening up. Acting, especially tackling the challenging yet awesome concept of comedic acting. Younger grades can be very open too, especially, if I may say, boys. (Do you all sense a pattern) Anyway, I would love it if I could make a few friends in school that can be classified as the traditional type of friends (call on them any time, they will be there, shoulder to cry on, ect.).  
Third, I would like a tighter, closer-knit family relationship. Everything can always be increased, and certain things, such as family, deserve never ending love and attention. Fourth, to control my very quick temper. Fifth to control my time on electronics, especially my computer, which I can't seem to let go of. Sixth, is to give the best boost to my acting experience that I can, and Seventh is to get my blog on Teen Vogue's Fashion Click.
So there they are. All of my resolutions. Resolutions are a pretty great way to set goals, but they can be pretty bothersome when the year dwindles away as you find that you can't accomplish these resolutions. So they can be pretty annoying, yet also useful. So that is why I have a mostly simple list, with a few twist like #7 and maybe even #6. 
Well, since this is the last post of 2013, let me tell you that I wish you the best new year possible. Accomplish new things, step out of that spiteful box, find and keep love, and even lose the ones and things you would rather not. Take risks, and embrace everything, from losses to accomplishments. 
Until next year;
xoxoxo - Anya

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