Saturday, April 11, 2015

Endless Night

I have pins and needles in my foot. That line alone is completely out of context in more ways that one, but as I can think of nothing else at this moment, I had to say it. Now then, where were we? Oh yes, makeup. I created this look inspired by the sky, more particularly, space, even more particularly, the photographs I took several weeks ago. Don't know what I'm talking about? Here's one. The fact that I was able to use all the photographs I took and no copyrighted images makes me feel pretty good about myself. I can see now that this post is turning into a random brain spill, so let me set the topic here. I created this look inspired by the photos I took. It is pretty formal, and I think it's perfect for any upcoming events, particularly prom, that you might find yourself slapping on makeup for. Okay, now the pins and needles feeling is becoming unbearable. I have to walk around a bit. Hope you enjoy the video, however, and I wish you all a very happy day with no pins and needles whatsoever involved! xxx Anya

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