Saturday, September 21, 2013

Send Me Questions, My E-Mail, and More


I was thinking off a way to interact more with my readers, and I decided that it would be great of I just gave you all an e-mail address and told you all to send questions to it, with the promise that I would answer them on my blog. However, thinking about how busy school is making me, I decided to say this. Feel free to send me any question, and I will try to answer them. So if you want me to answer your questions, be sure to mark add the words "Reader Quenstion(s)" into the subject box so I'll know to read them. If you are asking a question you would rather not go public, just be sure to add "Private" to the subject (along with the other words) and I'll try and get back to you.

Send your messages to

I'll be looking for questions related to my content on this blog, but feel free to ask any question. Keep in mind that I might not answer certain personal questions about myself, either for safety reason or just because I would rather not say. Also, I will not answer any silly questions whatsoever. Ex: "Will you marry me?" Trust me, I have seen such on other people's blogs, and I'm sorry but I can't waste my time on those.

1 comment:

  1. I have just sent you an email, and I can't wait for your answer!!!
