Thursday, August 1, 2013

24 Hours In Houston With Sam

The white giant of Sam Houston
We were in Houston for a while, and I must say I had a great time. We had a reunion of sorts with our family friends, who we hadn't seen in around two years, and it was wonderful to see them again. I did a sort of photo diary of my time, but I must say I didn't spent a lot of time taking photos, because I wanted to soak in as much as I could in the 24 hours without going around with a camera. Know what I'm saying? Nevertheless, I did put together quite a decent collection of photographs to capture some of our time in the city of big white Sam.
Okay, If you haven't ever driven to Houston, you probably haven't heard of great white Sam. Have you? If you have, though, you probably haven't heard him being called great white Sam, because I basically made that up as I was writing this post. As you can see in the picture above, he is a giant statue of Sam Houston, the namesake of Houston and one of the generals who acquired Texas for the U.S. I don't know exactly how big he is, but I'm pretty sure you can estimate it by the trees and the tiny, multicolored dots that are tourists standing at the base of the structure. Sam has been sort of an acquaintance to me, as whenever I see him, I know that I'm either going into the vicinity of Houston or out, and he always gives me a sort of jolt of emotion - whether or not I'm happy because I know that I'm coming into Houston, or sad because we're leaving! Anyway, I hope you have gotten a pretty good idea of this white man.

Our friends' house, where we were staying, has a very nice selection of ornamental pieces. For some reason, I have always loved looking at these pieces - they are so pretty - so as a sort of a memento of them, I decided to photograph them.

I believe my favorite is this figurine below, featuring a young lady with a violin.

I also love these commanding figures of two generals. I believe they are meant to depict generals from two different countries, and while I'm not sure about the one to the left, I think the one to the right may be a French one.

This is a antique pistol. They also had a 18th century rifle, which I didn't see on this trip, although I do remember that it was pretty heavy.

This is a recent acquisition - an oriental-style painting of a group of storks.

This is what I ate shortly before we left. I know it may sound a little silly to relate to what I ate, but I had this soup from Whole Foods market. It is called the Boston Clam Chowder, I believe, and I have missed it so much, and the fact that I was able to once again taste the delicious blend of potatoes and clam convinced me to take a shot.

A silly photo of me and one of our friends.

Another silly photo. (Have I mentioned that I have a "thing" of not making a silly face during silly photos because I can never really think of a good, original face?)

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